• Strength and Conditioning

    Our strength and conditioning program has balance of strength and conditioning with skill work sprinkled in. Each class is coach led and includes a warm up, class breakdown, skill/strength piece followed by the workout of the day. This program is great for all levels. Whether you are new to fitness or a seasoned person looking to change up their routine. Our coaches are here to help you scale the workout appropriately for you.


    Sweat is our conditioning based program that combines three conditioning days and two accessory strength days. The conditioning days are DB/KB only and introduce you to the basic movements while the two strength days introduce you to the basic strength training routines.

  • Power Building

    This is a strength training only classes. It is focused on one main powerlift (Squat,Bench, Deadlift) with body building accessory work. It is a self placed class that you are also more than welcomed to do during open gym.


    Open gym is a part of our unlimited membership. It is simply anytime that is during hours of operation you can use the gym to work on your personal skills, do some accessory work, or simply make up a workout you may have missed.

  • Olympic Weightlifting

    Currently only onSaurday at 9:30am come cleanup, and learn how to efficiently perform the Snatch and Clean and Jerk as well as al of its accessory movements that come with dialig in these lifts!